What Does a Doula Do?

Doulas do it best !

Doulas are skilled medical advocates who help people through the experience of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. They work as part of the care team, providing vital help for non-medical needs such as emotional support, helping you understand your options, advocating for you, and more.


Doulas help you prepare for your experience by informing you of what to expect, what your options are, and what alternatives you might have.

Emotional Support

Doulas provide emotional support to you and your family.


Your doula will be there for you with dedicated support…focused on walking alongside you as a trusted companion through your experience.

Physical Support

Different types of doulas may offer specialized physical support to you. Some offer massage, aromatherapy, labor position suggestions, and more.


You won’t find a stronger advocate than a doula! They advocate for you through the whole process


Doulas help you navigate hospital systems, community resources, and may even help you find a doctor or midwife.

Types of Doulas



Specializing in supporting people before they are pregnant, fertility doulas or pre-pregnancy doulas help people navigate options, IVF procedures, or make referrals or recommendations to improve fertility



Hospital, birth center, at home– your birth doula goes where you go, offering direct supporting and advocating to keep you comfortable and as low-stress as possible during your labor. They may offer assistance with positioning, comfort techniques, or removing unwanted stressors



Supporting you before, during, or after a medication or procedural abortion, your abortion doula offers emotion and social support. They advocate for you, assist with comfort techniques, and may discuss family planning options or connect you to resources



Offering emotional and social support to parents and family during the pregnancy is what prenatal doulas do best! Get assistance with writing a birth plan, learn what your options are and what to expect, and get support advocating for and navigating your pregnancy



Offering support for the parent & baby after birth, postpartum doulas are there to help care for you and your baby. They may offer pampering, hygiene care, feeding support, or even housekeeping services

Grief & loss | death


Life after loss can be hard to navigate. Your death doula offers support during or after a miscarriage or stillbirth experience. They provide emotional and physical comfort to the parent and family

Ready to be a doula?

You’re a caregiver at heart and you’re ready to support your community on their birthing journey. The Catalyst Full Spectrum Doula Training is exactly what you need to be a skilled, confident doula!